Missionary Teacher-Trainer with over twenty years of cross-cultural experience in Belarus, Ukraine, and Poland who loves to help others understand biblical principles and how to apply them in their concrete ministry settings.
Developed the overall plan for the program.
Created the syllabi for the 12 courses in this program.
Recruited teachers for the courses in this program.
Provided translators for teachers as needed.
Taught several of the courses in this program.
Oversaw the recruitment and interviewing of new students.
Mentored the 70 students in the four groups in the program.
Managed the educational management software pages (Moodle) for all the courses.
Oversaw the grading of the assignments and the reporting of grades to the academic office.
Coordinated the functioning fo the program with the academic office.
Designed and enhanced the program curriculum.
Composed the content for the eleven courses in the program.
Taught church planting courses on the program.
Mentored the students in the process of church planting.
Recruited additional teachers for the program.
Supervised the church planting office assistant.
Oversaw the budget of the program.
Made visits to the church plant locations and trained church planting teams of the students.
Conducted seminars, retreats, and conferences to encourage churches and individuals to engage in church planting.
Participated in two church planting efforts in Kyiv, Ukraine.
Worked with the academic dean and the seminary oversight team to coordinate the overall ministry of the seminary.
Training and Mentoring of students
undefinedWrote two Christmas devotional books: Tell Me a Story About Christmas and Words of Christmas.
Writes weekly religious columns for The Banner Press in Marble Hill, MO.
Published the article Key Questions for the Contextualization of Ministry Among Ukrainian Refugees in the Great Commission Baptist Journal of Missions.