All my life I have tried to be a part of people's beautiful memories and I have always struggled for their beautiful photos. I have always been a compatible person and listened to those who knew more than me without breaking my respect and continued on my way with my own personal opinions in the light of the technical information I received from them. My internship at TRT, the largest broadcasting organ in Turkey, showed me instructive ways to offer both self-confidence and practical solutions to problems. Later, I learned how science works, namely the science of cinema, documentary science and photography, with what I learned at school. My wish is to produce works that people will admire when they look at them.
Elazıg caydacıra film festival best logo award
Kaplan international languages certificate
piri reis university culinary journeyman training
piri reis university culinary mastery training
These are my biggest hobbies that make me happy outside of work and I try to do one of these every weekend unless I have an urgent job.
Kaplan international languages certificate
piri reis university culinary journeyman training
piri reis university culinary mastery training